US cycling from a Dutch perspective

interesting observations. i hope to get to the Netherlands and a few other European countries to do the reverse comparison. And to experience biker/ cyclist heaven!!


While a delegation from Portland Oregon was visiting my hometown ’s-Hertogenbosch and some other places in the Netherlands to experience Dutch cycling, I was looking at cycling in the United States. Not that that was the main goal of my journey -I was in the US for a self-paid holiday and to visit friends- but I couldn’t help seeing and recording what some of the cycling and the infrastructure was like. (Video at the end of this post.)

san-francisco The average cyclist in San Francisco seems to be a young fit adult, mostly male and appears to be in a constant hurry. And if you don’t understand that remark; this is my frame of reference.

Cycling in Amsterdam In Amsterdam (and elsewhere in the Netherlands) the range of people cycling is much broader.

Of course I know it is not really possible to say something in general about “cycling in the US”. There are…

View original post 1,264 more words



Moments in Nature allows me to access the inner awareness of the interrelatedness of all things. A Stick bug on a ride along and a Praying Mantis tree puts a whole new perspective on connectedness.  Its is only a matter of perspective; to see similarity or difference is a choice.  I’m working towards keeping an open heart and an open mind, a challenge worth taking on!
photo (16)photo (17)

Beau Brussels Sprouts


This is one of my favorite foods of the season! Sautéed with garlic, onions, and hot peppers makes it food from the gods. And viewing their nutritional facts– A, C, B vitamins and fiber makes them good for the immune system, regularity, and energy. A fantastic all around veggie. Tis the season for the sprouts named for a country that makes great beer and chocolates!!


Chair as a planter


Chair as a planter

One sunny fall afternoon as I drove through my neighborhood I saw these amazingly shaped chairs sitting on the side of a road. They caught the corner of my eye and I turned my car around and to pick them up! – Trash Day Gold!! – These chairs missing both a back and bottom were designed to become the perfect planter.

I like the look of them through the front door, giving my porch a sweet and beguiling appearance.

Lichen and moss



I enjoy a walk in nature. Collection of creative thoughts unfold with each step. Exuberant energy from the trees overhead, the chirping birds, and delicate sunlight wakes up my senses. And discovery of tiny gifts of nature like lichen and moss. Two ancient types of plant life lay along my path. This photo is but one example of what delighted me on the walk.

Weed(ing) and the yard

I started my day with weeding.  It was thrilling to begin the process of clearing out weeds, limbs, and fallen leaves in order to begin the creation of the backyard garden.  Image

The turquoise platform has been engulfed by tiny  yellow budding weeds which provided a nice place for butterflies to feast!


The expanse between yards is over-grown with shoots from trees and shrubs and weeds intermixed with english ivy.


The expanse between the two houses after some weeding and trimming of the brush, Georgia red clay was exposed.   Soon it will be covered with mulch as the garden begins to take shape.


The platform is freed on one side from weeds and from above as the limbs have been trimmed.

After a few hours, the backyard is more approachable.  Stay tuned for this journey towards a total transformation!

Versatile Vinegar

At the beginning of the year I made an orange-infused vinegar cleaner solution to use around the house.  I love it!  It cuts dirt, grime and grease and leaves a nice aroma after its use.  To investigate the uses of vinegar, I decided to poke around on the internet for a comprehensive site; click here.  It’s not fancy or flashy but lists in detail uses for vinegar in the garden, the home, pets, health, laundry, automotive, and cooking.  It also offers easy recipes to meet your needs.

Here’s fun video from Olivia Cleans Green on how to make a vinegar multi-purpose cleanser for your home.  Not sure if you’ll have more delight in watching her or in the fact that using vinegar to clean will reduce to toxic load at your homestead.

  • 1/2 cup distilled vinegar
  • 1/2 cup distilled water
  • 1/4 tsp dish detergent
  • 10 drops of an essential oil of your choice

Put all into a spray bottle, specifically in this order.  If you add the dish detergent first, you’ll have a new kind of party.  =)